Delivering Hope: Sipho’s Story
In Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, there is a family that urgently needs your prayers. Those people are:
Sipho*, a 9 year old boy
Sipho’s mother
Sipho’s great grandmother
Sadly, Sipho’s mother has been diagnosed with stage four cancer and is bed-ridden. After the diagnosis, her husband (Sipho’s father) abandoned the family. As a result, Sipho and his mother moved in with the great grandmother.
As you can imagine, this has been devastating for Sipho. He’s spent the past few months next to his mother’s side, comforting her, and not sleeping because he’s been so worried. Who could blame him? For many, this situation seems hopeless but there is reason to hope.
A Beacon of Hope
Nketa Baptist Church, a Forgotten Voices partner, has been a beacon of hope for Sipho and his family since 2016. Sipho’s grandmother cares for Sipho’s sickly mom full-time which means she is unable to work a job but she does grow vegetables for sale.
To bridge the gap, Nketa Baptist Church has stepped in to provide urgent help. Over the years, people like you have partnered with Nketa Baptist to:
Fully pay for Peter’s school fees and uniform
Give food basket deliveries for Peter and his family
Pay for medical services and transportation to doctor’s appointments for Peter’s mom
Provide emotional and spiritual support for Peter and his family.
Despite the hurt in their lives, they are still trusting in God to provide all that they need.

Here is a photo of Sipho’s great grandmother with the vegetables that she sells to provide for the family.
The Delivery of Hope
Recently, the Forgotten Voices team and members from Nketa Baptist church visited Sipho’s family to check in on them. With COVID-19 affecting daily life in Zimbabwe, Sipho and his family have been unable to purchase groceries or cleaning supplies which placed a heavy burden on the family.
Arriving with groceries and cleaning supplies, the Forgotten Voices and Nketa Baptist team were warmly welcomed by Sipho’s mother and great grandmother! Sipho’s mother thanked God for always remembering them and said this was a huge blessing because she did not know how they were ever going to get food.
Due to COVID-19 shutting down school, Sipho was sent away to stay with relatives for a bit so he doesn’t stay home all day watching his mom.
Although Sipho’s story is heartbreaking, we take comfort in knowing that God is always remembering this precious family. Despite their pain, He remains faithful.
Sipho’s mother wanted to pass this messagealong: “Lisibongele emahofisini, uJehova abusise lapho okuvele khona, kungezeleleke”
“Kindly express our sincere gratitude to those you work with, may the Lord continue to bless those who have made this possible.”
Despite everything, Sipho’s family is feeling hopeful thanks to people like you who support our ministry. We couldn’t do any of this without you so thank you for making this work possible!
As you pray, please remember this precious family and many others that are facing difficult challenges during these uncertain times.
*Names have been changed to protect those we serve. Sipho and his mother’s photos were not taken to respect their privacy.