Emmanuel’s Story


As a child, do you remember the moments you felt valued and loved by your family or community? For many of us these moments transformed our lives and improved our wellbeing. However, for orphaned and vulnerable children, such moments can be rare.

On the verge of giving up

After Emmanuel’s father passed and he was abandoned by his mother, Emmanuel and his older brother were left orphaned and vulnerable in rural Malawi. It’s a situation that far too many children in southern Africa experience – lacking life’s basic necessities, loving guidance, educational support, spiritual discipleship, and more.

Emmanuel felt like giving up due to the tough challenges he was facing. He thought his dreams would never come true.

Two young boys sit across the table from their teacher.

Emmanuel and his friend with a teacher from school.

An equipped and loving church

Emmanuel loves school! He’s ambitious, hardworking, and performs well in class. His favorite subject is English and he has always dreamed of becoming a teacher. But, without a reliable support system, Emmanuel’s access to education and his dreams were dwindling.

Through a partnership with Forgotten Voices, Emmanuel’s church identified his family’s vulnerability and provided him with school supplies and a new uniform, allowing him to continue his education.

A caring older brother

Emmanuel lives with his older brother Khiston, who supports Emmanuel by selling snacks and drinks at his shop. With the help of our church partner, Khiston received a small business grant that has enabled him to improve his business, earn a living, and pay for Emmanuel’s school fees. The grant has empowered Khiston to become self-sufficient and provide better care for Emmanuel!

We are grateful for friends like you who have made this possible with your generous donations!

Khiston said, “I am grateful for the church because I know that this has a big impact on my brother’s education.”

Two young boys sit across the table from their teacher.

Khiston at his shop

Desire to inspire

“Education is not only a right, but a passport to human development that opens doors and expands opportunities and freedoms.”

– United Nations

This small act of kindness from the church has shown Emmanuel and Khiston that they are valued, transformed their situation, and put them on a path to success. Today, Emmanuel’s dreams are restored, and he is inspired to do so much more!

Emmanuel says:

“I reached the point of giving up. I thought my dream would never be realized. But now I am happy… I will be going to school with confidence, and I have come to realize that I am also valued and loved. I will work hard until my dream of becoming a teacher comes true… I want to help others achieve their goals. I want to inspire them with my story.

When you give a gift to Forgotten Voices, you are making an investment that transforms a community, a family, and the life of an orphaned and vulnerable child.