All Gifts Matched Up To $35,000!

Create a better future for 1,500 more children and caregivers in 2022!

In the past 15 years, you’ve helped us reach thousands of children with effective and sustainable orphan care. Give now so that even more children can experience the love of God. Together, we can do more!

What can my gift do?

$50 can pay for school fees and supplies for 2 children to gain a quality education!

$100 can empower a caregiver with a sustainable skill or business to earn income for her kids!

$250 can meet an entire family’s physical, emotional, and spiritual needs for 1 year!

$500 can equip a church to provide holistic and sustainable care for multiple families!

$1,000 can provide life-changing care to 10 children for 1 whole year!

Any Amount can demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ to a child.

Financial Transparency

Stewardship and transparency are key values of our work. So, we maintain strict guidelines of financials and work to make every dollar count.

We’re ECFA accredited which means we meet 7 rigorous standards for financial accountability set forth by an external party. We’re also rated by Guidestar as a Gold-Level transparency partner.

Check out our ECFA profile here and Guidestar profile here.

Other Ways to MAke a Gift


If you prefer to give via check, please send to: 1215 Gettysburg Pike, Dillsburg, PA. 17019. You can make checks payable to “Forgotten Voices.”

Non-Cash Gifts (Stocks, IRAs, & Legacy Gifts)

Interested in a stock donation? Send an email to or call (717) 506-3144 and we’ll help you out!

Contact Us:

Not finding what you’re looking for?
We’d love to connect personally to get you what you need!
Submit your question and contact info here and we’ll reply ASAP.
office phone: (717) 506-3144